Harhay Family Notes

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Random thoughts on a Saturday

First off, I wanted to announce the 1st EjectIT.com contest! 101 Users for your EjectIT Flyer. [Begin Shameless plug]

We are giving away a WII and other prizes for the best alternate use of your EjectIT flyer.

[End Shameless Plug]

I was reading today on MSNBC about the attacks going on with Russia and Georgia. There were some photos showing the devastation to the towns and it made me wonder about how these people rebuild. Are there insurance companies in Georgia? Seriously, can you take out an insurance plan when a bomb destroys your home? I know you have to have a special Flood Insurance Rider for Insurance here to cover floods, is there such a thing in countries where peace is not the standard?

I remember soon after 9/11, I received in the mail from my home owner's insurance the option to add on projection for my home in the event it was destroyed in a terrorist attack. I'm just wondering if these people have any type of protection on this?

I guess it puts everything in perspective. I've been complaining lately about how hot it gets here in Las Vegas during the summer. Often commenting about how we live in "Hell", but in reality, I live in paradise compared to the hell ordinary people in warring nations live in. I will stop complaining now, or at least until it hits 115 again.

I think our world is plagued with senseless violence. Not just countries fighting over small pieces of land, oil, or thousands of years of hatred, but also individuals. The Chinese man who attacked and killed the U.S. Volleyball caoch's father-in-law. It is everywhere. It just doesn't make sense. The guy killed the person and then jumped to his death. He should have jumped to his death first and spared an innocent life.

I had a weird experience last week at a 7-11. The 7-11 was located in a part of town that is mainly hispanic. I was waiting in line to buy my drink when the woman behind the counter was trying to understand the question the woman at the front of the line was asking. The 7-11 employee had a thick Indian accent and the woman asking the question had a thick hispanic accent. What made it so difficult was they were both trying to speak English but their accents were getting in the way. It was at a standstill because neither of them could understand what the other was saying. I was clueless as well. Finally, another 7-11 employee came over and determined that the woman wanted to buy plastic cups and didn't know where they were located in the store.

It made me think about how I would feel if I was living in a different country and trying to just do an every day task but be hindered by a language barrier. I guess this was an extreme situation because both parties' primary language was English. Not sure where I'm going with this except that I guess I'm feeling thankful that I don't have those barriers to deal with every day to have a normal functional day.

Side note, if you ever are hungry and are on St. Rose Parkway, drive down to the Chevron east of Executive Airport. Roy's Deli that is inside the gas station has the BEST sandwiches for the money. Subway, Port of Subs, Quiznos don't even compare. They are inexpensive and give you 3 times as much meat as the big guys do.

Sorry about the doom and gloom today, had to finish on a postive note with Roy's. :)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lilly's Birthday and the Pumpkin Man

LILLY TURNED "TEEEEW"!!! That's how Lilly says 2 and instead of holding her pointer and middle finger up to signify 2 and PEACE, she holds her pointer and thumb up to form an L, probably for LOVE. I can't believe she is already teeeew. It seems like yesterday that I was sick in the hospital and Lilly arrived. Sick with the flu, I was a lot of help. I remember sleeping most of the time and trying not to get my germs all over the place. No one else got sick, so I guess I did my part.

We had all of Lilly's friends over for a fish themed birthday party. Jenn had been planning for the party since about April, right after Annison's 4th. Once again, she did a great job for the party. I hope the girls look back and remember how cool her Mom was for always making their birthday's so special. Oh, I did my part too, I cleaned up dog poop and sprayed off the backyard so it didn't completely smell like dog urine. :)

I of course have no pictures to show of the party, they are all loaded on the camera still and I have no idea where it is. I did take this photo last week, when Jenn was out and about and it was a Daddy and girl night.

For some time now, I've been debating about doing a sprint Triathlon. A sprint is .6 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3.2 mile run. October 18th, is the Pumpkin Man in Boulder City. At lunch the other day I mentioned to Ryan, Keith and Marshall that I was considering it. Keith immediately got on board. We have started training today and have 10 weeks to prepare. The motivation is to actually do it and say I did it. I'm confident that I'll be able to complete the race. My goal is to complete the race without having to rest along the way. Wish me luck!