Harhay Family Notes

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Thanks Steve Vegas for sending me this. I hope you all think that I can help turn this country around.

I've narrowed my VP canidates down to the following in no paticular order:

1) Homer Simpson

2) Barry Bonds (I hear he is looking for a job)

3) Hip Hop Harry

4) Dora the Explorer

Monday, July 28, 2008

Email Addiction?

It is Monday and I can't access my email. I recently moved all my email accounts to a single GMAIL account so I can get my email from my iPhone or any web browser.

But today Gmail is having a problem with my account and I can't access it. It has been 10 minutes and I feel hopeless. Am I addicted to Email? I'm thinking so. Do I really need to have my email at my fingertips ALL the time?

The world without email. Remember when getting a letter in the mailbox was such a big deal? Then you had to turn around and write the person back. The turnaround time was a few days even if you sat down and wrote back RIGHT THEN!

How did we survive without our cellphones? How did we meet up with people in a crowded area before TXTing "I'm by the waterfountain"? Did we all just roam around until we bumped into the person we were looking for?

I have to admit that I do TXT a lot and I'm beginning to think it is the dumbest thing in the world. It makes sense to TXT when a phone call might interrupt the person in a meeting or if it is late at night and you want to play XBOX but don't want to wake up your friends kids. Or receiving Calendar reminders to your phone. I understand those uses, but texting in the middle of the day on a Saturday is dumb. Just make the phone call. We end up texting a full conversation over the course of 10-20 messages that could have been completed in 2 minutes on the phone.

It might be time to disconnect from the electronic world for awhile. :)

I told Keith today that I was thinking about starting a landscaping company. As long as plants and trees still are growing, I'll always have business. Don't need to check your email when you using the mower AND TXTing and Mowing is dangerous!!

Watch for the K&M Landscaping launch in 2008! :)


KMlandscaping.com is taken. So is MKlandscaping.com. Anyone want to join our landscaping company so we can get a domain name that isn't taken? No landscaping experience necessary, we don't have any either. Only requirement is you can't bring your cellphone when we hack up people's yards.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back from the Blogging Dead

This is crazy, I totally forgot about my blog. I decided I might as well start blogging again and I did a lookup to get http://harhay.blogspot.com/ and it was TAKEN! No way, so I figured I would take a peek at the blogger and see who shared my last name. Pretty sad when your memory is this bad that you don't even remember posting all those entries.

OVER 4 YEARS! July 13, 2004 was the last post. Reading these old posts are pretty funny. Making a note that this is the first of MANY posts. I guess I didn't clarify that my posts would come years apart.

I'm hoping Jenn and I can keep up on this, it will be a lot easier if both of us can post.

Updates - Annison is 4! Such a big girl. Lillian is turning 2 on August 3rd. She and Annison are complete opposites in personality type, but they are the sweetest little girls. They ADORE each other and it is a joy seeing them interact and grow so close. I'm sure I'll be reminding them how much they loved each other when they are teenagers. :)

No more children on the horizon on this side of the Harhay family. Marshall and Laura are expecting #2 - Bradley George sometime in September. Andy is big into garbage trucks and things that boys like. The girls LOVE playing with Andy.

Work sucks. Busy and in a rutt. I'm on the fence about owning my own business. I feel like the business owns me and I am just a pawn in this whole deal. Maybe I should fire myself. :) Work sucks with Aspireworks. I love having the other things we are doing. ejectIT.com is a lot of fun, I just wish it was producing more sales.

Just a quick post to get the blog back from the dead. Let's see if we can get Jenn on here.

Next post July 2012!!

Annison after a nap

Daddy Date Night - "OldMcDonald's" Ice Cream

Lilly the "Yogurt Monster"