Today's entry is the first of many, I hope. Here is the setting as of today. I'm 29 years old, father of one beautiful little girl Annison Christian Harhay. I currently work as a programmer for a company I own with my father, brother, and close friend Rick. I am married to a wonderful wife, Jennifer. She is a firecracker and keeps me on my toes. I love her dearly. We have two dogs, Ivan and Isabella. They are like children to us. They are the cutest pair of Labs you'd ever see.
The main reason I started this blog was to keep a daily (or semi-daily) journal of happenings that are going on. I have the worst memory in the world. I can hardly remember my childhood. I do not want to forget these special days since Annison has been born.
Annison is 3 months old. She was born on April 1, 2004 at 11:13pm. She was born with hair! Her grandmothers, Marcia and Michelle were in the room when she was born. It was very emotional. I never was so happy in my life. I was crying like a little baby. My little girl had finally arrived. She was as healthy as could be. Her APGAR scores were very high and the nurses all commented on how good she looked. Mom was doing good too. She had the good stuff for medicine and was a real trooper throughout the labor. Before she got the medicine, she was very determined and strong. I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do to take the pain away.
The last three months have been wonderful. Annison is a great baby. She sleeps very well and eats well too. She is a little chunk now. It is amazing how fast she has grown since the day she was born. I cherish every day that I get to spend with her. The saddest part of my day is when I have to leave for work and know that I don't get to see her for the next 8 hours. Sometimes, Jenn and Annison come to work or meet me for lunch, those are good days, even if work is stressful.
My plan for this blog is to archive Annison's growth and update with things that are going on with our lives. As it always does, my memory will fail me once again. These postings will help me remember the events and feelings of the time.
Here is today's picture:

Annison at three months